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Give Us Your Feedback and Enter to Win €50 Gift Card

As we head into 2021, we’re keen to learn more from our customers (and non-customers) on how we can shape the future of SoFly. Whilst we have our ideas, it’s your feedback which will really help ensure we create future services and products suited to your needs.

As such, we’re asking you to spend around 5 minutes completing our simple feedback form.

As a way of saying thanks, we’re giving everyone who wishes to the chance to win a €50 Gift Card for simMarket. We’ll draw the winner from those who complete the survey and tell us they wish to enter.

The survey will close on January 31st 2021 and the raffle drawn the following day. Your feedback will then be used to help shape our future plans, which we’ll be sharing sometime during February.

Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any issues, do let us know.

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