Our biggest sale yet is now LIVE! To celebrate the holidays, we’re giving you big savings on a range of products in the SoFly collection. You will be able to save up to 50% on a huge number of SoFly titles. This includes A Complete Guide to Flight Simulator 2023 (£8.99), Weather Preset Pro (£4.99), and even our latest flagship product, Animals (£8.99).
Our Global Landing packs are also heavily discounted with many of them now at just £4.99 each. Complete the Explore collection as well with both Explore UK and both Explore East Coast packs now just £3.99 each.
If you are looking to see a warmer part of the world, then perhaps take a trip to Easter Island as Mataveri Airport is now only £2.99. Need help getting there? Then Aircraft Checklist Pro will be your saviour and can be yours for just £4.99.
Our Holiday 2023 sale is on for a limited time over the festive period. So don’t delay and grab some amazing deals today. The sale ends at 23:59 UTC on January 5th 2024.